Nicola Valley Arts Council prepares for “The Opie Show” – A Tribute to Artist Opie Oppenheim
MERRITT — The Nicola Valley’s next art show, in collaboration with David Oppenheim, started May 2nd (2024) with the reception being held on May 3rd from 4-7 pm.
Merrittonians are encouraged to partake today at the Nicola Valley Arts Centre for The Opie Show: A Tribute to Artist Opie Oppenheim.
This art show exhibits over 30 pieces of work by Opie Oppenheim, who passed May 15, 2021.
Opie was known by many people in the valley, for his art, his flute music, his flute making, carvings, and fine silver jewelry.
He was also known for his entertaining and touching stories. Opie talked about the meaning in all of his art pieces, and shared his life and personal experiences.
For the Reception this Friday, May 3rd, 4-7pm, Opie’s son David is bringing several special pieces including a nine foot carving.
The Arts Community hopes locals can join the art show, to share stories about Opie, and enjoy refreshments.
Bannock and flute music will also be part of the ceremony.