Trans Mountain Pipeline reaches final phase of construction for Merritt and nearby area
Construction Yard |
MERRITT — Trans Mountain Pipeline workers are finishing up construction in Merritt and the nearby area.
The majority of pipeline construction on the Trans Mountain Expansion Project is complete from Kamloops to Merritt.
There will still be construction delays from March to June 2024 on Highway 5A from Merritt to Kamloops, an alternate route commonly used instead of the Coquihalla.
The consruction will take place on the highway stretch between Merritt and Nicola Ranch and the Zoht-4 reserve, before Coyote Valley Road.
googlemaps | highway 5a construction
The construction will be on and off unlike the repairs being done along Voht Street, as speed limits will be affected while two lane traffic continues.
Speeds may lower to 70 km/hr and 50 km/hr along Highway 5A.
Pipeline construction on the Trans Mountain Expansion Project is also complete between Merritt and Coquihalla Summit.
The Merritt Camp Community is now closed. Winterization and demobilization work is proceeding.
Trans Mountain has also finished reseeding and replanting any ecological areas that were affected during construction.
Pipeline | City of Merritt